Friday, April 4, 2008

Lest We Forget...

Happy Anniversary Jimmy V

Wow! Has it really been 25 years? Damn... we're getting old.

Here is our post from last year...
The Cinderella Team Has Done It...

SlamOnline... N.C. State 25 years later Q&A


Ken White said...

ESPN Classic re-ran the game last night, followed by a new 30 minute show remembering. Had a few tidbits, mostly taken from Tim Peeler's book "When March Went Mad". For any state fan who lived or would like to live 1983, that book is a great read. Lot's of great behind the scenes info about what it was like. The tournament and the final four didn't really resemble today's game. One good example are the stories about how V didn't bring the team back to school after the opening rounds. They ended up in a dump of a hotel which led to a lot of interesting stories.